
Let us get you healthy.

At Stonebriar Medical, we offer a variety of services to make you get back to feeling like you


For the prevention, detection, and treatment of adult diseases (18+ years). Our Doctors work with your current - or potentially future - care team to find a diagnosis for your specific ailment(s).

The benefit of using an Internist Doctor, such as Dr. Johnson and his team, is that they’re trained to manage multiple chronic medical problems at once. Internists coordinate care and diagnosis with any and all of your subspecialists - such as cardiologists, neurologists, and gastroenterologists - to create a specialized treatment plan just for you.

Our Internists can function as your primary care physician required by an HMO insurance plan to initiate referrals.

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Diagnostic Examinations


Wellness Examinations

For either your own peace of mind or via the request of an employer or school, a wellness exam helps to ensure that you are up to date on all testing and government required vaccinations.

Not all insurance plans cover wellness examinations, so please be sure to verify with your insurance carrier that you are eligible for this benefit. Please refer to our Wellness Policy for more detailed information about this type of service.

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Laboratory Services

Bloodwork is a breeze when you’re an established patient of ours. If this service has been ordered for you, feel free to stop in anytime, any day, with no appointment necessary. With this service offered around your convenience, we ask that you simply follow the appropriate test preparation - such as fasting or ensuring that you come in at the prescribed time - to help us ensure the procedure goes as smoothly and quickly as possible for you.

Our physicians will then review your results with you to ensure that you have a full comprehension, to answer all of your questions, and to initiate treatment if necessary. This can either be done in-person on another day, or from the comfort and privacy of your own home by utilizing our Tele-Medicine appointments. Once we have reviewed your tests, we will transfer the results into your patient portal - if you so chose - so that you have full access to them in the future or with other providers.



Tele-Medicine appointments are one of our most requested services. These appointments can be used for reviewing blood work, privately discussing confidential matters, non-urgent discussions with the physicians, for those who are traveling - such as for our college aged students - and for weight loss patients check-in’s.

Patient feedback on Tele-Medicine appointments has been overwhelmingly positive. It’s the convenience of connecting securely with your Doctor, anywhere you are, with less time taken out of your schedule.

Ask us if you qualify for a HIPAA approved Tele-Medicine appointment.


Weight Management

Weight management requires monthly visits with the Physicians. These can be done via Tele-Medicine appointments or in-person visits. This program is for patients seeking non-surgical solutions to manage their weight.

Baseline medical testing will be done prior to prescribing any medications designed to assist with weight loss.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy